Ce thème est un thème enfant de OS_default.
OS_glass est un thème dont le menu “Menu” est horizontal avec des icônes illustratives, tandis que le menu principale reste vertical avec un fond semi transparent ! Les blocs du menu sont rétractables (accordéon) et leur état est sauvegardé durant la navigation.
Les blocs du contenu principal sont semi transparents. L’ensemble donne un thème inspiré par les OS modernes avec dégradés noirs ou blanc-neige glossy.
Il gère toutes tailles de miniatures et même le multi-taille.
[demo_bouton nom_id=”OS_glass”]
Rappel : il nécessite OS_default !
[utilisez forum]
OS_glass is a child theme of OS_default : download OS_default first !
OS_glass has 2 menus :
- a horizontal menu containing the bloc menu “Menu” with icons, an home icon and the search field.
- the “classic” vertical menu : each bloc is expendable/minimizable and their status is remembered during the navigation.
The content blocs are transparent. The design is like an OS with white-snowy or black gradients.
It manage all size of thumbnails, and also the multi-size.
[demo_bouton nom_id=”OS_glass”]
OS_glass is a child theme of OS_default : download OS_default first !
[use forum]
So, That doesn’t mean you can’t get creative and repurpose or recycle your own words. For instance, generally, what I’ve done in the past is slightly change the subject matter and use my words for another topic or sub-topic, and I merely state, “the other day I was speaking with an acquaintance about… ” but never using their words, only my own, unless they need them for a quote in their book, then I wouldn’t want to use them, as to not double-up or trip some computer plagiarism software from Amazon Kindle, or any future magazine publisher, or such.|To wrap it up