Pure_autumn is a child theme of Pure_default : download Pure_default first !
The theme Pure_* distinguishes itself by their very worked borders.
So the menu of Pure_autumn inherits from a fresh and atypical design: a double border and corners which alternates between roundness and right angles, giving an aspect of “S” block.
Blocks albums and miniatures are in a shape of S too, but the color varies in every block! Random for miniatures and cyclic for albums.
The main blocks of contents have an uncluttered design. The footer has a graphic design, but with a discreet depiction. The whole on a background lightly tinted.
The color palette gives the name to the theme: warm, cold and non-aggressive colors which call back the autumn. We shall remember your gallery and we shall return there!
It manages any sizes of thumbnails and even multi-size.
[demo_bouton nom_id=”Pure_autumn”]
It is a child theme of Pure_default : download Pure_default first !
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merci pour ce thème pur-automne, seras t’il possible de gérer les miniatures a la façon de modus ?
merci cordialement MJC